Georg Jähnig

Drupal Dev Berlin
Drupal Developer in Berlin

Drupal experience

drupal 7 features
Screenshot of

Search platform / Social command line for the web with browser extensions, Android app and Telegram bot. Facilitates web searches with keyword shortcuts. Passive income via affiliate links. Personal project since 2005, incl. idea, implementation, public presentation on conferences, site & print design, production of screencast and explainer videos, helpdesk operation, maintenance.

The whole project is open-source, check this if you want to see Drupal module code written by me.


drupal 8 paragraphs
Screenshot of Startercenter.NRW

Complex information portal for founders , using Drupal’s Paragraphs module and frontend integration with Fractal, created in a 7-person Scrum team at Pixelpark agency.

Highly customized booking portal, for Mercedes-authorized repair shops, created in Pixelpark agency in a 5-person Scrum team.

drupal 7 drupal 8

Continuous maintenance and module development for customer websites, incl. Dev-Ops, at Wegewerk agency in a 3-person team.


drupal 7

Continuous maintenance and site-building of the travel agency’s website, incl. Dev-Ops, in a 4-person team.

Other projects

wordpress css static site

Portal about low-budget life in Berlin, created with Wordpress and a static site generator, minimizing the need for technical maintenance. I've started this also to learn more about Google Analytics, Google Tag Manager, SEO, marketing and obviously – explaining things and content writing.

python jinja2

Free (as in freedom) multilingual interactive online course as a static website, with all of its content managed in Markdown and YAML files.

Challenges: Defining initial data structures, continuous management and on-boarding of (mostly non-IT) translators on Github.


Computational Linguistics


Diploma studies (similar to Master degree) at the University of Potsdam Germany.

Focusses: automata theory, structural analogies, text categorization.
Diploma thesis: Unsupervised Morpheme Segmentation using Formal Analogies.

Incl. exchange year at Charles University Prague (Czech Republic).
